Children and Youth

St. Margaret’s offers Christian education on Sunday mornings for children ages 0-11, as well as weekly programming for youth grades 7 - 12 (Sept - June), and year-round events and support for families.

If you would like to receive more information on Children & Youth Ministry, please email our Children & Youth Ministry Coordinator, Tracy Curle, at

Youth Group, Fridays 7 – 9 p.m. (September - June)

The Youth Group is a safe, welcoming and fun-filled space for teens – a community rooted in God’s love, where youth receive encouragement, friendship and support as they journey toward adulthood. We welcome youth from all backgrounds to discover and engage with the Christian faith.

We meet Friday evenings to wind down and relax after the school week with games, activities and plain old hanging out. Some Friday night activities include movie nights, music-sharing sessions, laser tag, and an Art Night at the Great Blue Art Studio. Annually, we head out of town for a weekend-long Youth Retreat.

10:30 a.m. Sunday Service

Ages 3 and under, Nursery: Each week a volunteer welcomes our little ones with a song of gratitude for them. “Thank You God for… (insert name).” In addition there is a short circle time with a Bible story and prayer. Snacks, free play, colouring and books make up the rest of the time. Parents are welcome to stay or drop off their child depending on the child’s needs.

Ages 4 – Grade 1, Young Children and Worship: In this program we attempt to create a sacred space where the very young can encounter God. This is where our 4-6 year olds form community while they contemplate God's word, pray and play together. In this program we cherish the ability to slow down and allow children to explore their inner quiet- integral to one's ability to pray and develop a relationship with God.

Grades 2-4 Children and Worship: This group is all about engagement! Children hear the Bible through interactive storytelling and activities. We also have a prayer time where children are encouraged to pray with their own words as well as the Lord's Prayer. This is a fun place to spend time with other kids getting to know God and one another.

Grades 5-6 Children and Worship: In this group children take the Bible into their own hands as each child is encouraged to read and discuss the Gospel reading for the day. We talk about who Jesus is and let his words lead us into fascinating conversations. Children share their questions and ideas. Together we learn to write and pray the Prayers of the Church.

Grades 7 – 12, Youth Sunday School: On Sunday mornings (Sept - June) we gather during the service for an informal and engaging Bible study. We often study the lectionary readings, wrestle with difficult questions and share stories from our own lives.