Do you know what you are getting for Christmas?

The question came to my mind when I was talking with my daughter about a gift for my son. After ensuring our conversation had not been overheard, Abby said, “You know, Mom, not everyone makes such a big deal of gifts being a surprise.” She went on to say that for some of her friends, figuring out what they are getting for Christmas is a big part of the joy. This kind of startled me....and it got me thinking about the different ways we approach both receiving gifts and Christmas.

As Christmas draws near, children tend to get more and more excited about what they are going to receive under the tree. Some because they have no idea and others because they do know! What kind of child were you? The type that loved the surprise of unwrapping your Christmas presents or the type who stealthily hunted through your house until you found the hidden gifts? Some people love surprises and some people would rather just know. On a personal note, I wasn’t one to go searching for my gifts (unlike my sister who would even unwrap gifts she found and then re-wrap them!). Rather, I hoped I knew what I was getting for Christmas. I hoped I was getting what I had asked for.

The question also turns my mind to the first Christmas – to the coming of the Messiah. The people of Israel had been waiting... and waiting for God to send his Deliverer and I suspect they had some strong expectations of what this Messiah would be like. Some people thought they knew what they were getting. But from my understanding of Scripture and the way Jesus’ life unfolds in the Gospels, I don’t think he met those expectations. I think the gift of Christ was surprising.

A baby in a manger.

A wandering teacher with no place to lay his head.

A table-flipping authority in conflict with the religious leaders.

A suffering servant.

A dying Saviour.

A risen Lord.

So as we approach this most unusual of Christmases – with it’s restrictions and anxieties – may we be open to the surprising gift of God’s grace given to us in Jesus Christ our Saviour and Lord.


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