Just Growing September Update

Suddenly, it’s September. Isn’t it amazing how quickly the summer passes? It feels like just weeks ago we were planting our seeds and seedlings in the garden beds, tucking them in with garden straw, and watering them deeply for the first time. Now, we’re harvesting and starting to think about cleaning up and winterizing the garden. 

I’ll let you in on a little secret: though I’m writing this update, it’s really on behalf of A Rocha and the garden volunteers, because I’m not actually around for the month of September. At the end of August, I handed the responsibility of the garden over to the experienced and capable hands of Zoe Matties, A Rocha Manitoba Program Manager. 

At A Rocha we really believe that gardening is an act of  community resilience (think food security!) and climate resilience (think skills adapted to a changing planet). It’s important to us that we get our hands in the soil, grow something beautiful, something we can eat, and something we can share. These are ways that we, as a community, can build a social network and a relationship with our beautiful and loving earth, and earth’s Creator. 

I’m so grateful for the opportunity to garden at Saint Margaret’s this summer! Thank you to all of our volunteers, to the church for supporting the project, and to our various donors and grant givers for providing my wage. And thank YOU for following along on the parish blog!

With much gratitude,

Marnie Klassen