The Garden is In!

As a way to get a glimpse of the work and partnership involved in Just Growing, here is an email that Nora recently sent to the Just Growing Email List. Please scroll to the bottom to see a slide show of the garden this week.

To all the ‘gardeneers’ who have been involved in the process of reaching out to our neighbourhood with love, I wish to thank you from the bottom of my heart. This includes those who are praying for this ministry, those who have made some of the jobs easier for all of us by improving the watering hose situation, those who stop by to see what’s up and stay for a quick chat, those who take spade or trowel in hand and wrestle with the roots of weeds that go far deeper than they have a right to. Thank you to the people who place seeds in the earth and those who are willing to try something new, like placing a tiny plant in the soil and watering it. Thank you for those who set up blog sites and get the word out in the church bulletin so that more people are aware of this incredible work of St Margaret’s Church. For those who answer the call to water at a moment’s notice, or pick up a garden fork and shift compost from one bin to another, or bring muffins for their fellow gardeneers, or transport plants to the church. Your work is not in vain.

On May 5th some of us got together to dig weeds, turn compost, and prepare the raised beds for planting. We started the planting process with peas, spinach and lettuce.

May 17th was not a lovely day for being outside. If I hadn’t been the one to plan it, I probably wouldn’t have shown up either, but I did, so I did, and I stayed to plant broccoli, cabbage, marigolds and lettuce plants, in the rain. It was actually fine, and very good for the plants. I also set up two of the plastic greenhouses to protect the new plantings.

May 19th a friend came by with a large box of asparagus plants. I was able to fill our asparagus raised bed with plants and had some to give to the neighbours.

May 23rd I planted little onion seedlings that I started at home.

May 25th some more friends came by and we planted most of the root crops. Carrots, radishes, and beets. This was also the day that a neighbour brought over a plum tree he had replaced with an apple tree. I found a place in the yard and planted it. It is looking pretty happy still.

May 30th the greenhouses came down. They had served their purpose. Six grape vines were planted on the property. A lovely addition.

June 7th saw more friends come together to plant the tomatoes, peppers, eggplant, and small greens. Most of the beds are planted now. There are just a few gaps to fill.

June 13th the strawberry plants were put in with the help of some of the Montessori children.

Look what God is doing through His living body!! He is giving life through our lives. Stop by and take a look at the wonders that result from each plant or seed that was placed in the ground with a large measure of hope.

“So, what’s next?” you might wonder.

For the rest of the summer there will be general maintenance, watering, turning compost regularly and tidying up. I would like to get a big load of wood chips to put between the beds and around the fruit trees and bushes. I need to put up the big trellises on the designated gardens. There a few more spots to fill with plants, too.

I will keep you posted as the work days unfold.



To get involved, please contact Nora Hogman (

Below are some photos of what is already blooming for your enjoyment.